Squid Species Have Three-Hour Sex Sessions
Other than my love for a sweet and spicy calamari, I never really paid much attention to squid as a species. They’re like the less cool version of the octopus, and until they officially find the Giant Squid, who really cares about the slimy invertebrate?
APPARENTLY WE ALL SHOULD, because according to new research, the octopus’ less famous cousin is the sex star we should all be emulating! A study published in Biology Letters has found that some squid species mate for 3 HOURS, becoming so exhausted that they often don’t have the energy to find food or avoid predators. Talk about a marathon sesh!
One squid in particular lives a rock star lifestyle (Via MSNBC):
That’s especially true of the southern dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), a round-bodied little cephalopod just 2.8 inches long. Dumpling squid live fast and die young, mating with multiple partners during their yearlong lives. They make their time count, engaging in sexual encounters that can last up to three hours each.
I never thought I’d utter this sentence, but it seems like the squid might need to be the new mascot of OBC. You go, Euprymna tasmanica. Get that booty while it counts!