Smoking Weed Might Ruin Your Sex Life
Marijuana legalization is one of the most polarizing political minefields our society deals with today. There are incredibly intelligent people on each side of the issue, and valid points made by both. I will not get into my personal beliefs because this is a pop culture and dating blog, not BCU Girl’s Opinion Blog of Opinions, but I will say that there is quite a bit of scientific evidence to support the idea that of the many intoxicating substances on this earth, marijuana is probably the lesser of the many evils. That being said, new research is suggesting that smoking weed might contribute to sexual dysfunction, and no one wants to hear that.
According to Gawker, lighting up could actually affect your sex life. Dr. Rany Shamloul of the University of Ottawa, Queen’s University in Canada and the University of Cairo says that “recent research—including the finding that the penis contains receptors for marijuana’s active ingredient—suggests that young men may want to think about long-term effects before rolling a joint.”
Other studies detailed in the article note that “marijuana users have a slightly elevated risk of inhibited orgasms and pain during sex,” and that the THC in the marijuana has “an inhibitory effect on the muscle.” I tend to scoff when studies like this say “slightly,” because like, I have a SLIGHTLY elevated risk of getting the flu if I don’t put on Purell every thirty seconds. Slightly is such a loaded term, and no other studies have suggested any of the sort. But at the same time, science is science, and I suppose everyone though Galileo was a nutter when he offered up the idea that the sun might not revolve around the earth.
What do you think? Does smoking marijuana hurt your sex life?
June 29, 2011 @ 10:02 am
Funner, huh?
June 29, 2011 @ 9:57 am
I smoke weed. I have sex often enough with my girlfriend while high. Its funner and ive never experienced a problem.
February 25, 2011 @ 1:07 am
i got my girlfriend pregnant fucking her hard for a very long period of time taking effort on both parts good stuff be smart.
February 14, 2011 @ 4:54 pm
no it doesnt doing pills does