Should Athletes Have Sex Before Competition?
The Winter Olympics are in full swing, and though I have watched less than 10 minutes of the whole event (not including that train wreck of an opening ceremony), I’ve read recaps online and enjoyed seeing photos of people winning gold medals – a feeling I bet is unrivaled in the universe.
However, after reading that some athletes say the hook up opportunities in Sochi are NEXT LEVEL, I began to wonder if these über-athletic folks were blowing off steam before competition by, uh, blowing each other. I wondered if it could be beneficial, since their stress-level would go down, or detrimental, since they might get distracted by all the potential poon-tang around them.
Luckily, the smarty-pantses at AsapScience (the same folks who schooled us on porn’s effect on our sex lives) gave us the run down. Hint: YES. DO IT.
Have you ever hooked up before an athletic competition? Do you think it helped or hindered you? Let us know in the comments!
February 20, 2014 @ 8:18 am
If sex (or a lack thereof) does have any effect, positive or negative, it’s likely all in the mind. I watched the video and understand that studies have shown many different things depending on the individual at hand, and that’s why I say that it’s probably all in the mind of each individual, plus dependent on other influential factors, as well (e.g. Sleep, Fitness level, etc.).