Short Guys Have it Hard

“The old adage suggests that good things come in small packages, but is that true when it comes to the male dating world?”
VICE recently featured a post with the stories of short men who detailed their difficulties when it came to dating. Many said they feared being “forever alone” because women just didn’t seem interested – and usually because of their stature.
While they were often given advice by their taller friends to just “be confident”, research suggests that’s just not always the truth.
A 2006 study on online dating found that a man who is 5’6” needs an additional $175,000 to be as desirable as a man who is approximately 6′ tall and only makes $62,500 a year.
So, how do guys on the shorter end of the scale score better with women? Some tips, from 5’8″ Damien Diecke, head coach and founder of School of Attraction, a Sydney-based dating school for men:
He uses a two to three inch buffer when seeking potential interests, claiming “you’ll generally have better success with women shorter than you.” He also advises and tries to build a connection first, before disclosing his height casually prior to the date so they have the option to meet him or not. While these strategies may work in the short-term, Damien’s ultimate tip is confidence.
“If you focus on a thing you don’t have, people are going to focus on that more strongly,” he says. “It’s not about making yourself taller, but bringing out other features you have that you can bring to the table.”