Sex With You – Is This the Worst Song Ever?
Ugh, it’s too early for this. It’s too early for terrible, autotuned-to-shit ear-piercing crap music, and yet HERE IT IS, molesting our ears on this cloudy Monday morning, make us wonder why we even got up. Everyone, grab your shoes to throw at welcome Avery, a 20-year-old “musician” from Phoenix who has assaulted us with her new single “Sex With You,” in which she tells a guy she wishes she hadn’t has sex with him (okay, fine, we all have regrets), and that she wishes instead she’d BROKEN HIS DICK OFF.
I am not joking.
I’m also going back to bed. Peace out, homies.
December 2, 2014 @ 8:20 am
Its a lovely thought. Lets do it. Do not want a broken dick however