Sex Toys at… Target?

Most purchasers of, ahem, adult toys, will say they buy online – usually with the hopes that they’ll be delivered discretely – but for the more bold folks out there, apparently you can add a battery-powered boyfriend to your afternoon checkout at Target alongside toilet paper and Q-tips.
“The amount of content and education we put forward, the tone of voice we use and the shame-free aspect paired with the affordable price point really helps to make Cake accessible,” Orkis said. “We don’t think pleasure should be discriminatory or based on your income.”
It’s so accessible that Cake’s products can be purchased on the next aisle over from your household paper towels and laundry soap at mainstream big-box retailers like Amazon, CVS, Target and Walmart.
“We want to put sexual pleasure within arms reach, anywhere you are in America. After launching in both Target and Walmart, we’ve managed to fill a niche in the aisles of big-box stores that had previously been so out of touch.” Orkis said.
Scroll through the cheery and brightly-hued pages of the Cake website and you’ll see the direct opposite of antiquated, florid sex toy marketing. Orkis explained that everything from the product names to their design is meant to be simple and clear to understand. (Cake’s best-selling lubricant formulated with 100% premium silicone is simply called Sex Lube.)
Hey Cake – you win the Brand of the Year award from OBC, for sure!