Sex Strengthens Your Brain
Good news for everyone at OBC!
- post-sex reading and strawberries. img @ momlogic
When a Princeton lab group read up about a study showing that stressful, unpleasant situations could actually inhibit brain growth, they had a question: what about stressful but pleasant situations, like say, sex?
So they rustled up some sexually active, booty-call-lovin’ rodents and compared their brain growth and activity to a bunch of virgin rats (is there a rat version of World of Warcraft?) and saw that the rats who’d been getting laid did in fact experience more adult brain growth, and were also less anxious and had a better memory.
Conclusion: having a steady booty call list is not only fun and exciting, but it could also help you memorize that speech on ventriculitis that you have for med school next week. Downside: you’ll never forget that swamp-thing you brought home from the bar a couple weeks ago… so… y’know. Trade off.