Sex Ed Fails

We’ve talked before about how effed the American sex education curriculum is, but these insane beliefs people had about sex are still pretty damn shocking!
Via BuzzFeed, from a post on Reddit, people are sharing the biggest sex ed fails they’d heard:
“If you use a tampon before sex, then you’re no longer a virgin. The number of people that believe this is unbelievable.”
“Here’s a good one, some girl thought that the only way she could get pregnant was DURING her period.”
“A guy once told me he thought periods lasted a whole month.”
“My aunt believing you couldn’t get pregnant if you drank Mountain Dew and smoked menthol cigarettes.”
“My great aunt told me to put a Tylenol in there after sex.”
“Pam Stenzel came to my high school and preached about abstinence. She said, ‘Look to your left. Now look to your right. By the time you graduate, odds are one of you will end up pregnant.’ After a pause, the entire auditorium burst out in laughter. I went to an all boys Catholic school.”
“We were in med school, and one of my female classmates refused to use the swimming pool because she ‘didn’t want to get pregnant.'”
“A girl I used to know thought that you could get pregnant through oral sex. She was in her twenties.”
“A guy said, ‘I won’t get HIV because I’m not gay.’ This was a 28-year-old man with a master’s degree.”
“A guy that I went to school with thought that the first time that two people have sex, the woman can’t get pregnant. I still have so many questions as to why he thought this and what the logic is.”
“Condoms are a sin, so if you have premarital sex with a condom, you’re now committing TWO sins. Teens used this to justify not using condoms.”
“The more times a woman has sex, the more fragrant their vagina will be, due to the build up of every man’s sperm. Yes, they were serious.”
“I have twins. Someone asked me if we had to have sex twice for that to happen.”