Heart Attack Victims: Keep Getting Booty- For Your Health!

Ok – disclaimer, we are NOT saying that you should strip down and make a move on someone in the middle of a cardiac event. But according to a new study, having sex could boost the chance of survival in heart attack victims. Via CNN:
Many people stop having sex after a heart attack in the belief that it could trigger another episode, but research published Wednesday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology says sex is good for survival rates.Researchers followed 495 couples for around 20 years and found that those who maintained or increased their frequency of sexual activity in the first six months after a heart attack had a 35% lower risk of death than those who stopped having sex or reduced their frequency.
Damn, so not only is sex good for PREVENTATIVE care and healthy living in general, but it could also save you after a heart attack.
If thats not a reason to join OBC and start chatting with local singles, then I don’t know what is!