Rebound Sex is Good For You

You just got out of a bad relationship. You’re miserable. What do you do? Do you sit on the couch eating ice cream and crying while watching Bridgerton? Or do you go out there and GET SOME? According to a new study, the benefits of a rebound hook up outweigh the damage it may cause. Via Psychology Today:
Claudia Brumbaugh and Chris Fraley (2015) found that those in new relationships are more confident in their desirability, have more resolution over their ex-partner, and have greater psychological and relational health. In the short run, they can distract themselves from their pain and loneliness. Dating a new person may help them to reaffirm their self-esteem and provide validation that they are attractive and worthy of love and attention from others. Brumbaugh and Fraley further claim that the amount of time between a divorce (or other serious breakups) and a person’s next serious relationship does not have any effect on the quality of the next relationship, or on the time of its dissolution.
The benefits of rebound sex are enhanced in light of the finding that in most cases, a person’s first post-breakup partner is not a stranger (someone they met that day), but rather a friend, acquaintance, or ex (Barber & Cooper, 2014). Such partners can provide greater emotional support.
And this, my friends, is why you should always have a booty call in your back pocket! Meet one today at OBC!