Real Housewife Kenya Moore Has a New Single
There are some days when everything goes right… your hair looks god without having to do anything, and an old friend calls just to say they miss you, and you work hard all day and hit the gym and go home and eat a good dinner and get a text from that sexy guy or girl you met last week, and then you fall asleep easily and have dreams about the aforementioned sexy guy or girl. You feel like, you know, the world is alright. Things make sense. I am satisfied.
And then other days you find out that Kenya Moore, former Miss USA and current annoying b-word on The Real Housewives of Atlanta has a single out, and you’re like WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?
Check out more terrible Real Housewife singles at TooFab
January 31, 2013 @ 6:37 am
Kenya was right on placing Phaedra where she needed to be. In a bucket with her kuntry behind. Yeah for Kenya.
For some reason, Phaedra thinks her ish don’t stink.
January 15, 2013 @ 6:19 pm
She gone with the wind bonkers smh…..DAM……
January 15, 2013 @ 4:35 pm
…My day is completely ruined…