R U Faster Than A Redneck
Speaking of people who are probably going to come into a relatively small sum of money and then instead of saving it or investing it, promptly spend it all on methampthamines, boob jobs, and strippers, we bring you R U Faster Than a Redneck? the SPEED channel’s newest ode to hicks.
According to Jalopnik, this new drag race show pits American muscle cars against foreign ones to finally decide which is faster, and it. Has. EVERYTHING: over-the-top redneck host, 80s rock ballad background music, and Jackass-style stunts by unpaid extras just hoping to get a taste of that sweet sweet methamphetamine.
Step aside, Honey Boo-Boo. Sure you’re obnoxiously white trash and your mother looks like an exploded Grands biscuit tin, but there are just too few opportunities to witness death. Enjoy your spiral into obscurity.
Happy Friday, everyone! Have a GREAT weekend!