Police Fired After On-Duty Threesome

We often think of police officers as uptight and rigid — but according to this new report, at least one precinct in Tennessee is home of some seriously free-spirited cops that are up for badge booty.
A Tennessee police department fired five officers and suspended three others after wild allegations of sexual escapades, including a “Girls Gone Wild”-style hot tub party.
A female La Vergne police officer who claimed to be in “an open marriage” was accused of sordid behavior that included oral sex at headquarters and a menage a trois.
“This situation is unacceptable and as soon as it was brought to our attention it was immediately investigated and action was taken upon the individuals involved,” Mayor Jason Cole said in a statement provided to Fox News Digital.
Pssh – unacceptable?! I like my officers of the peace feeling satisfied and relaxed, thanks – keep up the good work!