Planned Parenthood Turns Down Donation From Tucker Max
I remember when I first got my hands on a copy of Tucker Max’s controversial book, “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.” I had heard that it was a hilariously honest, if not politically-incorrect look at the world of dating for a guy who can get any girl, and thought hey – why not see how the other half lives?
However, about 45 pages in I was cringing with every paragraph. Not because he seemed misogynistic or that the book “contributes to rape-culture,” but because it was the most f***ing boring, bullsh*t piece of literature bullsh*t that had ever been put on paper. Poorly written and REEKING of entitled, cocky frat boy, the book was nothing if not an embarrassment to sexually-active guys everywhere. Plus, HE’S NOT EVEN GOOD LOOKING. HIS HEAD LOOKS LIKE A THUMB WITH A FACE GLUED ON. But, of course, like all terrible books, Hollywood swooped it up and turned it into an even more terrible movie, likely earning Max more money than he knows what to do with.
So you can imagine how excited I was when I read that after several misguided jokes about Planned Parenthood on Twitter, Max attempted to brush up his image by offering to donate $500,000 to Planned Parenthood in exchange for getting a clinic named after him. Although they initially were excited to accept the money (especially since the federal government has cut off funding), further research into Tucker Max’s Wikipedia page likely made the non-profit change their mind. Via TheHuffingtonPost:
“We appreciate the generosity of our supporters, and take seriously our role as financial stewards of contributions, grants, and government funding,” national spokesperson Tait Sye told The Huffington Post in a statement. “Like many nonprofits, Planned Parenthood reserves the right to decline offers of gifts and grants that may be discriminatory, are for purposes outside of our mission, or are too difficult to administer.”
When your persona is so obnoxious and unsavory and gross and bullsh*t that a financially disintegrating group REFUSES TO TAKE YOUR MONEY, it might be time to turn over a new leaf. Then again, Tucker Max is probably swimming in a pool of 100 dollar bills while I still rock a car with an automatic seatbelt, so maybe I should just shut up.
October 6, 2012 @ 11:33 pm
Wow, interesting review on the aforementioned book. Obviously the hater-aid woman that wrote it is trying to veil her disenchantment with the material of the book by downing it on literary merits. I’ve read it and found it to be well-written, witty, and hilarious, but can understand how some would find it offensive (obviously like the person who wrote this article). But, of course, it’s more effective to base your review on the books literary merits rather than admitting how great of a work it is and that one doesn’t like it because of they were disenchanted with it’s ideological point of view.