Peloton Instructor Falls For Man in Her Class

Add this to the list of “headlines that would never have happened before Covid”: a Peloton instructor claims she “fell in love” with one of her virtual class students, and now they’re getting married! Oh, and even more crazy — she’d only dated women before him.
How does one fall in love in a VIRTUAL workout class? Here’s how she explains it:
According to D’Ercole, she first viewed Brian as a friend.
They first connected after she joked about his Peloton virtual class username. D’Ercole wrote that Brian sent her a message after class, explaining how he came up with it.
From there, they hit it off, talking about D’Ercole’s love of cycling, Brian’s love of scuba diving, and their mutual love of food and red wine.
The conversation didn’t cease, and a few times D’Ercole realized she couldn’t get Brian off her mind.
“Until one day, ‘I just love him’ rang in my head a little louder. A lot louder. The volume of my heart couldn’t be turned down. All I could do was accept and surrender. I had fallen in love,” she wrote.
When she told her friends of her revelation, she said they were just as surprised as her, considering she previously exclusively dated women.
Wow. Now anyone who says online dating is strange, let’s just remind them that it could be much stranger.