Paula Patton is the Best Wife Ever

In the wake of Foam Finger Heard ‘Round the World, it’s no surprise that people (celeb gossip sites) have been peeping into the relationship between Robin Thicke and his wife, actress Paula Patton. While some decried his behavior with Miley Cyrus, others came out and said, “uh, get the facts, Paula and Robin have an OPEN MARRIAGE.”
Just days after the VMAs, Robin was snapped in a pic with socialite Lana Scolaro getting REALLY CLOSE… like three-fingers-deep close. And it only took a few days before Miss Scolaro came forward and claimed that the night of the photo, she, Robin, and Paula went back to their hotel and sealed the three-person deal.
Via The Superficial:
The two had met the week before at a friend’s party, and she says he immediately approached her at the 1Oak VMAs shindig with the pick-up line, “I just love the fact that you’re so young.”
“His hands were everywhere,” says Lana.
Lana says that initially she pushed him away because he’s a married man, but that Robin told her Paula was “chill” and even encouraged Lana to talk to her.
And his bad behavior only continued as Robin led Lana into his car to leave the nightclub and, oddly, his wife joined them. They all headed to a bash at a suite in the Greenwich Hotel, where Robin and Lana got closer on the couch.
“I went to the bathroom, and when I came out he was standing there,” she tells Life & Style. “He turned off the lights so no one could see us, and he started making out with me. He was grabbing me. He was like, ‘I want to get you into bed!’”
We know we sometimes give marriage a bad rap, but if all wives were like Paula Patton, we might be a little more into it. In fact, we bet a lot of OBC couples are down for threesomes!
You win marriage, Paula. Spread the word of your gospel!