Our Personalities Don’t Really Change After First Grade
Along with my affinity for a finely breaded chicken mound, as a first grader I liked boys with blond hair, playing freeze tag, and juice. I hated milk.
At the ripe old age of twenty-blahblahblah, I still love the nuggets, but I’m more akin to brunette guys, bar hopping, and beer. I still hate milk. So when I read today that a UC Riverside study of 144 people showed that our personalities stay virtually the same after age 6, I decided to analyze my own personality to see if this is true, based on the four personality traits they followed in their subjects.
I urge you to do the same, if you like being an investigative scientist, or are try to avoid doing any real work today.
1) Talkativeness
In first grade I was extremely shy — like to the point where my parents hated taking me in public because they knew I would just hide behind them and never say hi to any of their friends. Nowadays, if I chug a couple beers I can strike up a conversation with just about anybody, but sober? Eh… I’m pretty sure I worked in the BCU offices for like, 3 weeks before anyone knew I was here. So… in terms of talkativeness: I’d say, hypothesis confirmed.
2) Adaptability
I went to 8 elementary schools, and yet found a best friend at each of them. Today, my car window wouldn’t stop rattling so I jammed a bunch of crap into the space between it and the door it doesn’t make a sound. Hypothesis: confirmed.
3) Impulsiveness
One time when I was a kid I decided that I didn’t want to ride the bus cause I didn’t like the bus driver so I walked right off of it and began a 3 mile trek that landed me in the middle of nowhere, lost, at age 6. Today, I’m about to go buy a new iPhone ’cause the trackball on my Blackberry is pissing me off. Hypothesis: confirmed.
4) Self-minimizing behavior (humility)
In first grade I was like, “Damn, I’m awesome.” Today, I’m like, “Hell YES, I am AWESOME.” Hypothesis: confirmed, by awesome me.
Are you the same person as you were in first grade? Do the test; and let us know!