Opening Day: 5 Best Things About Baseball Season
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NEWS FLASH: today is opening day of the MLB season. Who knew and/or who cares? Yeah I don’t know and/or care either. However, there are a few benefits to the season starting up again, so to perk you up out of your Thursday rut, I give you BCU’s TOP 5 BEST THINGS ABOUT BASEBALL SEASON.
1. Cheap tickets
Unlike football games where you basically have to sell your child to get the money for a seat 400 miles away from the action, baseball tickets are actually affordable. Well at least in San Diego they are. Maybe at Yankee stadium it’s expensive to get a baseball game ticket but in San Diego they’re like “do you want this? No? How about I give it to you and pay you 20 bucks and we call it even. Please take this ticket.”
2. A reason to drink on a Thursday at noon
Along with perfect weather (it’s over 80 today in case you were wondering which I know you were) and prettier people, being on the west coast has another advantage: everything is always on TV all early and stuff! Whereas when we have a late game everyone on the east coast has to down two 5-hour-energy drinks just to stay awake for it, we get Sunday morning football games at 10 am and Thursday baseball games at noon that DEMAND we crack open a beer with breakfast. It’s called support for the home team and you need more of it, bro.
3. Nobody really cares what’s happening
Baseball is the only sport where you can show up halfway through, leave before it’s over, sit the entire game with your back to the field, and still walk out and say you had “a great time at the game.” Until game 140 everyone is just kind of waiting to see the news after the game so they don’t sound like an a**hole for not knowing the score. This fact is great for people like me who have the attention span of a small rodent.
4. There is always something on to take a nap to
During non-baseball season, naptime requires me to flip channels for 20 minutes until a find a suitably crappy 90s action flick to fall asleep to (Point Break, I’m looking at you). During baseball season there is ALWAYS something on TV with the drowsiness-creation powers of Ambien. Something about watching chubby guys squint in the sun combined with the monotone sound of Grandpa Announcer Jim puts me to sleep in SECONDS.
5. Sports?
Also something something sports.
March 31, 2011 @ 3:07 pm
awww you little mices are so cute. want some cheese with that wineY BIATCH !