Hot Weather Hook Up Tips

Multiple parts of the country are experiencing record-breaking heat this month, it seems like we skipped right past a warm summer into a living, breathing hellscape. Sweaty, sticky, irritable and sleepy – not exactly the sexiest of Snow White’s dwarf pals, huh? Which begs the question, how do you get booty when it’s too hot to walk outside for five minutes? Here — we have a few tips.
1.Fans and AC are your friend
We know, blasting the HVAC system can really do a number on your electric bill – but man oh man is it worth it when it comes to not having heat stroke alongside your Big O.
2. Try some positions that lessen the skin-to-skin contact
Let’s be honest, writhing on top of each other is a recipe for sweat-soaked disaster. Opt for positions that keep the skin contact ONLY where necessary. Get creative!
3. Ice cubes
Not just for your margarita, adding some ice cubes to your romp can make for a shockingly sexy good time.
4. Cold showers
I know, “cold showers” are usually a way we try and tone DOWN the sexiness, but creativity goes a long way in the summer sex department. Leave the warm bed romps for winter and get frisky in a below-room-temp shower, and you’ll actually CRAVE being close, with the added benefit of not getting sweaty AF.
5. Take it outside
Whether it’s a coastal camp spot or just your breezy patio, a discrete yet exciting outdoor romp can help things feel spicy while ditching the stuffiness of the indoors.