Nuke Bizzle Arrested Afgter Rapping About this EDD Scam

Talk about REGRET! According to Bossip, rapper Nuke Bizzle is joining the ranks of the many who have been arrested for scamming the unemployment office… but in this case the tip didn’t come from a well-placed source, it came from the SCAMMER HIMSELF!
[Nuke Bizzle, aka Antonio] Baines was arrested Sept. 23 by Las Vegas police and was found to be in possession of eight EDD debit cards, seven of which were in the names of other people, according to an affidavit filed with the criminal complaint against Baines.
n the video, which apparently was posted on Sept. 11, prosecutors say Baines rapped about doing “my swagger for EDD” and getting rich by “go[ing] to the bank with a stack of these” while holding up several envelopes from EDD. A second man in the video raps, “you gotta sell cocaine, I just file a claim…”
In total, the authorities recovered 92 debit cards loaded with $1.2 million, and, allegedly, the rapper had already spent $704,000. Now, he’s behind bars because he couldn’t keep his dirty work to himself.