Not a Joke: Roblox, the Dating App?

Roblox, for anyone who hasn’t heard of the insanely popular “online game platform and game creation system” that kids are straight up obsessed with. the virtual universe allows players to “create, share experiences with friends, and be anything you can imagine.”
And it sounds like you can also be NOT SINGLE, because Roblox is expanding into the online dating sphere. Via Gamer:
Following previous discussions on the matter, Roblox confirms that it will expand into officially supporting online dating. This is part of a move to extend its playerbase into older age groups, moving away from the largely underage fanbase it has become known for over the years.
The move, however, has quickly attracted controversy. Not only do some feel that Roblox is a poor service to host internet dating – given previous reports into grooming on the platform – but also for allowing 17-year-olds to participate. This is a lower age restriction than other dating sites, which almost exclusively ban anyone under 18 from signing up.
Yeah, add us to the group that believe they should stick to gaming and leave the dating to the experts (psst – that’s us.).