No Duh: Men Just Want Sex on Valentine’s Day
This week, we’ll be doing a series of Valentine’s Day-themed posts to celebrate the most wonderful, romantic, heart-warming holiday of the y-HAHAHAHHA OH GOD JUST KIDDING. Valentine’s Day, as we all know, is a marketing-ploy for the mylar balloon and polyester stuffed-animal industry. So we’ll be picking it apart this week, starting with this survey from Chase Blueprint which shows that both sexes assume their mate will spend WAY MORE MONEY than they actually will, and that NO DUH, most men (and some women!) would really rather just have sex than get a present.
Via Time Magazine:
Guys think their significant others will spend $230 on them, while women expect that their main squeezes will spend, on average, $196 on them. Both men and women who are in relationships expect an average of $240 will be spent on them.
According to the Chase Blueprint Valentine’s Day Survey, though, both genders might be a little overly optimistic when it comes to their expectations for Valentine’s Day. Women said they plan to spend an average of $27 less than the $98 guys say they’ll shell out — which means neither gender plans to spend nearly as much as they want to have spent on them.
Yiiiiikes. So apparently while men think women are going to buy them an iPod, they’re really getting a SanDisk. And women aren’t getting the Coach clutch they pinned on Pinterest, but instead a Coach iPod case that holds the 3rd generation iPod mini.
Better news from another survey:
Not into shelling out the big bucks? A new survey hints at one way couples can avoid breaking the bank this Valentine’s Day: Two-thirds of men and 30% of women say they’d rather have sex than get a gift for the holiday.
So there ya go, ladies. If you’re thinking of wrapping up a crappy wool sweater for that special dude in your life, save yourself the cash and instead strip down and give him the gift he REALLY wants: a little l-o-v-i-n’. (Bonus points if all you’re wearing is a red bow)
What’s the best Valentine’s gift YOU’VE ever received? Let us know in the comments!
February 14, 2014 @ 2:43 am
Another great article, BCU Girl! Fantastic job! Very entertaining and true! In reality, all most of us want is to be ‘shown’ love! Spending money on us isn’t necessary at all, actually. I don’t know WHERE Time Magazine gets their info, or what ‘Polls’ they conduct on such issues, but I think they’ve got it wrong for the most part. Us men are simple creatures when it comes to intimacy. We’d rather be SHOWN emotions than told about them or to receive gifts representing ‘feelings’. I wish more women were this way. It’d make things simpler and more productive. ;-)