via kissingknowhowCondoms, condoms, condoms. Such a conundrum (a condom-drum?). On one hand, they’re the simplest, most effective way to prevent STDs and pregnancy, but on the other hand, dudes hate them more than anything else in the world. They’re awkward, they dull sensation, and they are a fairly disgusting mess once you’re done with them. However, a European company is very close to knocking out at least one of those issues, with the CSD500 — “basically a condom dipped in boner gel Zanifil®” which will not only “increase local blood flow within the penis which… leads to increased firmness”, but also “increases penile size and… duration of an erection.”
So uh, CSD500, if you want to like, send us a few so we can do some very scientific testing, you know… we’d be willing to sacrifice our time… you know, if like, you want us to. I guess.
April 20, 2011 @ 12:21 pm
so that means if he wears that specific one he will get more a whole hell of a lot often!!!!