National Singles Week: Day 2
Today’s tip:
Nighttime Grown Up Scavenger Hunt!
Because we should all be celebrating our freedom and enjoying our singlehood, a night time scavenger hunt can be a super fun event for you and all your single friends. This works best in a busy metropolitan area where walking into buildings unannounced won’t get you arrested.
What you need:
– a digital or Polaroid camera to capture your findings
– a full stomach if you plan on drinking
– easily replaceable dignity – you will be losing yours.
The Scavenger Hunt list:
– Holding a random girl’s bra
– Inside porn section at video rental place
– Kissing a gas station attendant
– Trading shirts with a random girl
– Someone on a 25 cent electric toy ride outside shopping center
– Picture of most random girls at once
– With a security guard or police officer
– Do a shot glass of hot sauce
– Put ass on window in public place and get pic from other side of window
– Swim in a random pool or spa
– Kiss a female’s butt cheek
Release both teams with a 2 hour limit and a set spot to reconvene. For each photo successfully executed the team gets one point, excluding the random girls photo: you get as many points as there are chicks in the photo. Whichever team wins must buy the other team a shot of their choice (no Jaeger, this is a grown up game), and then you are free to party the night away with some photographic evidence of how much better your life is than your buddy who’s stuck at home watching Jersey Shore with his ball and chain. Enjoy!