Morning Sex vs Night Sex

We believe that any time is the right time for a little boot-knockin’ , but we wonder, what does SCIENCE say about the best time to do the dirty?
Well, for men, it may often be in the morning, and here’s why:
One reason men in particular may be fond of sex before breakfast? Around 8 a.m. is when testosterone levels — the sex hormone that plays a role in libido and erections — are at their peak.
“For testosterone-producing men, mornings are when the levels of testosterone are highest, since it’s made during sleep,” Robin Wilson-Beattie, a disability and sexuality advocate and educator, told HuffPost. “For some men, this means they have a better sexual response in the a.m.”
What’s more, feel-good neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine are released during sex , “which is a great way to be in a good mood and start your day right,” sex therapist Nazanin Moali,host of the podcast “Sexology,” said.
On the other hand, bedtime booty may be help you sleep.
Having sex before bed can make it easier for some people to fall asleep, thanks to the release of hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin.
“A mutually satisfying physical and mental interaction before sleep enhances mood, feelings of well-being, releases stress and makes it easier to switch off the busy mind to go to sleep and stay asleep,” Amer Khan, a Sutter Health neurologist and sleep specialist, told Healthline. “If a satisfying sexual orgasm after an exciting foreplay is a part of that interaction, it is also likely to lead to better sleep.”
So basically, do it any time – it’s all good!