Michael Bolton and Zooey Deschanel to Host New Dating Game Show

And just like that, the whitest show ever created has been born. Via Variety:
You read that right. Bolton. Deschanel. Celebrities. “Dating Game.” As Bolton might croon, TV is Back on Its Feet Again. Produced by Sony Pictures TV, the original “Dating Game” ran on ABC from 1965 to 1973, and has inspired several updates since then (the most recent being a syndicated revival in the late 1990s).
This one, with Bolton and Deschanel at the helm, promises “a wry wink at modern dating with a star-studded roster of celebrity singles in their pursuit to find love. Offering a spin on the classic dating show, the celebrity guests will remain a mystery as one lucky suitor is chosen from a hidden panel of three bachelors and/or bachelorettes based on their answers to the celebrity’s questions. Suitors will have the opportunity to guess the secret identity based on clues, questions and special parody performances by host Michael Bolton.”
Happy Friday, y’all. Let’s pretend this show isn’t happening and go back to OBC, shall we?