Men Can’t Learn from Hot Chicks
Guess what’s BACK, everyone! It’s Obviously Obvious News, straight from channel obvious in Obviousville!
According to a very scientific and most likely extremely expensive study, two researchers from Indiana University learned that when men are explained something by a hot girl, they don’t remember it as well. After having men watch a sexualized news anchor explain things versus a less-sexualized anchor, they noted the men remembered less of the information relayed by the hotter anchors. The researchers made the conclusion that is likely due to men’s “cognitive susceptibility to visual sex cues,” which I think is code for “thinking with the wrong head,” which is code for “men are gross.” It’s funny though, because I could have definitely done this study for free in my eighth grade English class. That was the year we got Miss Branch who was an ex-Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. It was also the year that every boy in my class somehow managed to get dumber.
Unlike the men of course, women actually were able to encode more information easier when being explained it by the more attractive woman, which makes sense because women are straight up f***ing crazy.
Ah, science. Teaching us stuff that should be common sense, everyday.
Drunk Guys Think They’re Hot | Booty Call U
February 3, 2011 @ 10:08 am
[…] Men Can’t Learn from Hot Chicks […]
January 31, 2011 @ 6:06 pm
I’m totally guilty. Its like hard coded into my genes, kinda like watching porn and not getting laid…