Marriage is Obsolete, Says 40% of the Population
Call us pioneers because we said it before everyone else: 4 in ten Americans now believe that marriage is obsolete!
According to a report by the AP, 39 percent of Americans think that marriage is becoming obsolete, or more specifically, that a married couple isn’t necessary to be called a family. Due to the findings, the US Census Bureau is actually planning on changing some of the questions for the 2020 Census. We think it’s a great sign – finally people are realizing that signing a contract and legally binding your lives together isn’t necessary to be happy or fulfilled.
This year reported the lowest marriage figures ever – hitting only 52% for adults 18 and over. So what is this? Is OBC no longer a fringe website? Are people finally listening to their evolutionary instincts that marriage, and monogamy, might not actually be part of our genetic code? That perhaps meeting, dating, and having fun together doesn’t necessarily have to end with a four-hour trip to the court house to report your enjoyment of each other to the federal government?
Well, suffice it to say almost half of Americans think so, and we think we might have a couple reasons why:
1) No one can agree on what marriage even means
The gay marriage debate, if anything, has proven one thing: no one even know WTF marriage means. Is it up to the state? Is it up to the church? Is it personal and private and shouldn’t be interfered with by anyone? WHO EVEN KNOWS ANYMORE?
2) The process of getting married costs an obscene amount of money
Almost $20,000 to be exact. And on that note,
3) Your money becomes a matter of the state
Alimony. It’s an actual word referencing the fact that even if you GET DIVORCED, you have to keep “maintaining” or “supporting” your spouse. Yeeeah, no thanks. And let’s say you decide to pick up a skill that makes you the highest paid athlete of all time, your alimony could be, I don’t know, $750 MILLION.
4) Marriage makes you fat
5) Why get married when you can enjoy yourself on OBC!
Am I right or am I right?!
Reasons to stay single #758,901 – 905: right there.
November 23, 2011 @ 1:33 am
This is for “ASERTIV” regarding your comment, “…or child support, even if they make more money than the male.”
So are you saying that just because a male makes less than a woman, he should be pardoned from any financial responsibility for the life/lives he helped to create? Why even bother contributing while he’s married then?
Sorry, but that has to be one of the most asinine comments I’ve heard regarding the failure of the Non-Custodial parent to financial take care of his (or her) responsibility. The INNOCENT party in all of this – the CHILD/REN – did NOT ask to be brought into this world, and unless the woman went to a SPERM bank/received IVF, the last time I checked, a woman can’t have sex by/with herself and get pregnant!
Next time, think clearly before you comment – please. (i.e., “it’s better to be thought a fool than to “open your mouth” and prove it!)
November 29, 2010 @ 11:52 am
You know how guys say “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free”?….
Well 80% of women these days don’t believe in marriage.
Because they realize it’s not worth investing in an entire pig just to get a little sausage!
November 28, 2010 @ 7:02 pm
I think marriage should be a contract between two people like a sports contract. you sign and initial 5years deal with maybe an option year. After 5 years you can resign with your spouse for another 5years or go your separate ways with an equal split of only maritial asset gains…come on you smart lawyers someone start this legally
November 24, 2010 @ 9:06 am
There could still be child support even if not married.
Not all divorces include alimony either.
As for getting fat – not all gain weight – I did from having kids, but not because of being married – but then again I was married when I had them – does that count – LOL
November 23, 2010 @ 11:18 pm
The STATE should remove itself from the ‘marriage equation’ and it should be solely the province of spiritual choices, as the ‘contract aspect’ means almost no one joins with clean hands….women KNOW that even in ‘no fault’ cases they can claim any circumstance to receive payment whether its alimony or child support, even if they make more money than the male. Matrimony should go back to being a process by which a ‘faith-based’ institution or even a secular equivalent train, counsel and mentor people to prepare them for a life long commitment, and it should be consenting adults who can show maturity for the task….just my opinion
November 23, 2010 @ 10:13 am
Care to help us see what is “severely flawed”?
November 23, 2010 @ 8:38 am
Your “facts” are severely flawed. You people might want to do your homework first, and maybe talk to some real people. Statistics can be made to say whatever you want them to say…which has clearly been done here.
November 20, 2010 @ 1:10 pm
In my humble opinion, I think marriage is overrated. It’s like everybody and their mother want to get married and yet, they wind up in divorce court.
Why not stay boyfriend and girlfriend and in case things go south, just break up, process and move on without any bullshit alimony and child support payments (if they have kids together). And don’t forget about the court and lawyer fees lol…