Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress
Let’s me preface this rant by saying I love meat. I eat just about every animal out there, and would probably wear leather if it didn’t look so god-awful on me. That being said, COME ON, LADY GAGA. THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND.
Lady Gaga won 8 awards at the VMAs last night, all while donning this meat… um… “ensemble,” complete with meat shoes and meat … uh… yarmulke? I don’t know. I don’t know why she has meat on her head. Needless to say (spoiler alert) people are PISSED. The vegetarians are pissed, the animal lovers are pissed, the WORLD is pissed. I am personally offended, because why waste what could potentially be a super delicious BBQ cookout by slathering it all over your weirdly shaped, most likely coked-out body? As I’ve decided that since Lady Gaga seems to be on a mission to make as many people as furious as humanly possible, here are some suggestions for future award show attire.
1) Nothing. (Bo-ring)
2) A bald eagle feather boa
3) A stem-cell necklace with certified blood diamond
4) A jumpsuit made of Bible pages
5) A dress made of genuine yellow stars of David from the Holocaust
January 5, 2011 @ 11:31 am
she is fukttt! i hate her so much hope she dies.
September 19, 2010 @ 10:41 pm
i like the ware
September 13, 2010 @ 12:48 pm
come on you know that is not real meat. OMg there are a lot of things to be angry about but come a meat dress. People have to be mad about something.