Kate Upton Has Very Specific Male Grooming Standards
How are you this Monday morning? Battling a Game of Thrones premiere-related hangover? Still have the taste of red wine and lamb on your tongue? Wondering if maybe you should have foregone those last twelve “Mother or Dragons” shots?
Not me. I feel great. Like I could run a marathon, if said marathon had vomit stations every half block.
Let’s start the week with some grooming tips from the years sexiest commodity: Kate Upton. According to this new video, Miss Upton has pretty strong opinions on the grooming habits of guys she dates… specifically of their nether regions. So if you’re walking around with a veritable tumbleweed in your boxers, you might wanna consider taking a little initiative. At least if you ever want a chance with a Sports Illustrated cover model.
April 2, 2013 @ 10:10 am
Umm… Doesn’t Kate HAVE a man already?? It’s not as though we (average guys) are vying for a position in her affluently enhanced life or anything. Sheesh.