Justin Timberlake, Andy Samberg, and Lady Gaga: “Three-Way”
I can’t believe we missed this yesterday!
This last weekend was the season finale of Saturday Night Live, hosted by Justin Timberlake with musical guest Lady Gaga. Despite all the shows criticism in recent years, I have always found the show to be at least SOMEWHAT entertaining. I don’t think people realize that the cast and writers have LESS THAT A WEEK to figure out topical, poignant, and funny skits that are supposed to appeal to the thousands of cultural sub-groups in America. Every time someone says, “NOPE NOT FUNNY,” I just want to say, “okay – BE FUNNY,” and see what ridiculously unfunny crap they come up with.
And how can you possibly say the show isn’t funny ever since Andy Samberg and the Lonely Island joined the crew with their weekly “Digital Shorts”? I mean, those things are CLASSIC! Dick in a Box, Shy Ronnie, Lazy Sunday, Like a Boss, and Jizz in My Pants? ALL HILARIOUS.
Of course, this weekend, with the return of the always hilarious (and oh so dreamy) Justin Timeberlake, we just had to have a dose of him and Andy Samberg’s creepy characters, and they held nothing back with the soon-to-be-classic: Threeway. Check it out: