Juggalos Attack Tila Tequila
You might know Tila Tequila from her MySpace fame-whore days, or her “Shot at Love” fame-whore days, or her “Shawne Merriman beat me up” fame whore days (which is totally ridiculous because Merriman is a gentleman and a scholar and is going take the Chargers to the Super Bowl this year, guaranteed). And now it seems that some more unfortunate fame has found itself being hurled at her, literally, as a recent rap performance at the Gathering of the Juggalos (um, what) ended with her getting pelted with rocks, bottles, trash and OH ALSO HUMAN FECES.
According to reports, when the rapper/singer/model/fame whore refused to exit the stage despite the crowds booing and shouting of “SHOW US YOUR T*TS,” they began throwing everything they could find at her, including some gifts from a near by Port-a-Potty, leaving her bruised and bloody and also covered in poop, which you have to admit is kind of funny, in a gross, don’t-ever-do-that-again-you-naughty-Juggalos type of way.
Perhaps Tila will take this unfortunate circumstance as a hint that maybe her days in the spotlight should be over. More likely though, she’ll get a new reality show where she has to live in a house with 7 Juggalos, and they teach each other about acceptance and tolerance and homeopathic treatments for chlamydia.
BY GEORGE, I could be onto something! Someone get me the VH1 producer, STAT!
August 26, 2010 @ 1:59 pm
I really think thats messed up.
August 18, 2010 @ 7:35 pm
Wow thats funny, She was warned. The juggalo family didn’t want her there!