John Lennon’s Toilet Seat Sells for $14,740
If someone came along and handed me 15 grand, and said, “do whatever you want with this money, no one will ever know,” I’d like to say that I’d put half into a savings account and like, I dunno, make a down payment on a house with the other half? Who knows. Maybe I’d go on a shopping spree with part of it, or buy a car. Who knows, really. What I do know, though, is that on a list of the top 1,000,000 things I would do with 15,000 dollars, “purchase a ceramic bowl that John Lennon used to crap in” would probably fall somewhere in the 500,000s, right between “invest in VHS technology” and “buy a manatee.” Because really, REALLY, what are you gonna do with a dead person’s toilet? When people come over and see the crapper just chillin’ in your living room, do you say, “oh, yeah, that. No big deal, just the place where a former rock legend deposited his stools,” and then continue to talk about politics?
Well, according to Reuters, someone had an idea of what to do with it, because at a Beatles themed auction in Liverpool, England, an unnamed buyer bid over ten times the asking price of the blue and white porcelain toilet. According to the source, they think the item is going “overseas somewhere.” So next time you go to some eccentric, Beatles loving millionaire’s house, check out that ceramic fish bowl in the corner… it might be the place where “Strawberry Fields Forever” was composed. But probably not.
October 1, 2011 @ 5:20 pm
John Lennon’s toilet went for over $15,000. Jerry Garcia’s toilet went for over $2,500. How much is Jim Morrison’s toilet worth?
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