John Gosselin Banned From Media Appearances

It seems that even the judicial system is tired of Jon Gosselin- reality star of the TLC show “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” In a ruling this Thursday in Maryland, a judge forbade him from making any media appearances until a second court date in April of 2010. This ruling was based on TLC’s claims that Gosselin’s behavior in recent months was “embarrassing” and clashed with the wholesome image of the show. We’d like to ban him from the public eye just for wearing this outfit.
story @ US magazine
January 15, 2010 @ 9:11 am
I have a question for you folks. Why is Princess Kate allowed to be able to try to find another kate I love you kate show? To Tlc why did you put the breaks on jon and doing public appearances. Are you his mom? It seems that there is a double standard for each of them. Kate is a beach and deserves nothing. Lets not forget kate you kicked jon to the curb. Where are you now. At home, in the manse, with 20 nannies, two chefs and a maid. Get a life and be human. That word can be found in a dictionary.