Joakim Noah Fined For Homophobic Slur
If anyone on this Earth says they’ve never said something they didn’t mean in a moment of anger, they are a big fat lying sack of lies. There are just some instances, where you are SO angry, and so full of rage, that the only thing you can think of to say is “YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU TURTLE MONSTER ASS!” or something nonsensical like that. Let’s hope that this is the case for Joakim Noah, who pulled a Kobe during game 3 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals. According to updates, he has been fined $50,000 dollars for the slur.
My question is, how do these guys not realize that there is a camera (an extremely expensive HD camera at that) pointed at them throughout the entire game? COME ON, GUYS.
September 27, 2011 @ 4:24 pm
who cares what he said and how is that homophobic????? Idiots!!
September 23, 2011 @ 5:53 pm
evertone hqas said something in the heat of the moment. Football coaches say it all the time ask bill paecells. So if the ref cant take the heat go read some water meters