Jimmy Kimmel’s Penis Hole Closed Up
Hey guys, wanna know something else horrible that can happen to your dick? WE GOTCHA:
In an interview with E! News, Jimmy Kimmel revealed he’s had not one, but TWO PENIS SURGERIES on a spontaneously closed up urethra. In other words, Jimmy Kimmel’s dick hole closed up, two separate times. Think we’re making it up? Let him tell you about his dick hole pursing up in his own words:
Yup, there you have it! Closed up penis holes are a thing, that can happen to you, for no reason, and a surgeon will have to tear open a new hole. In your dick.
Have a great day!
April 2, 2015 @ 8:58 am
God bless beautiful body wish mt body was just like yours
March 20, 2015 @ 4:16 pm
We give you props – you’re a brave guy! Here’s to that never happening again!
March 20, 2015 @ 12:37 pm
I too know for a fact this is a true physilogical condition as I experienced the same condition. My Surgeon performed what he called a dilation of the uretha at the tip of my penis. Was done in his office with local anesthesia and was sore as hell for a week!