Jay Z Got Interviewed Next to a Chick Having Oral Sex
How are you feeling this Monday? Good? Great? Terrible because your NFL team has been booted from the championships? Well, we’re about to make you feel worse about your life. Because not only are you back to work on a Monday like a schmuck, but your job ALSO probably isn’t to get interviewed while a smokin’ hot chick gets eaten out right next to you… by ANOTHER smokin’ hot chick. Jay-Z though? Yep – that’s his job.
(NSFW video below, OBVS)
Via Gawker:
“The, uh, chat above happened in 1997, around the time of the release of Jay’s second album, In My Lifetime, Vol. 1. The rapper/mogul pair attempt to discuss Jay Z’s music, but that proves impossible, which is the point, I guess? If everyone had two women hooking up next to them, no one would get any work done.”
So, y’know. Go back to your fun job sitting in an office or serving tables or stocking cans of soup, or HELL, being a loaded, high-power attorney. I don’t care what your job is… it ain’t as sick as Jay-Z’s.
Happy Monday, suckers.
January 29, 2014 @ 6:09 am
First of all Kenny. Those “girls” are grown ass woman they make their own decisions. Why the fuck would they listen to an upcoming rapper? It’s not his responsibility to tell them what to do with their lives. He is there for business. You don’t go to someone’s place of business and tell them how to run shit.
January 23, 2014 @ 4:34 pm
stop takin shit so seriously……that was some sexy shit going on there…….i woulda looked…maybe even joined in……but not on camera…..lol
January 22, 2014 @ 9:25 am
You first need to read the info before you make such incendiary comments. This video was produced in 1997, way before his marriage and before his rise to intense fame. I guarantee that today’s Jay-Z would not do such a video given his love and respect for his wife and most importantly his daughter.
January 22, 2014 @ 6:00 am
And one more thing both of you should be ashame of yourself and that’s the way you guys show the youths of the day that you are leaders of black kids in this country . If I was a parent I would stop my kids from listening to both of you guys music and to every body out there stop buying any of there stuff leave it on the shelf . But jay-z your wife needs to run and run far from you .for Luke everybody knows who you are a low scum like alway .hay jay just lost a few stripes remember jay bad people corrupt good manners ok !””””‘
January 22, 2014 @ 5:44 am
One ? What if that was your moms or sister both of you have no class you guys think that’s cool to do that to two black sisters instead of teaching them the truth about life I can’t never ever respect both of you again jay and Luke you both need to know how far to go when it comes to that filt two marks.
January 22, 2014 @ 3:16 am