January Jones Eats Her Own Placenta

January Jones is known for many things. Playing the easy-to-hate Betty Draper on the AMC hit Mad Men, crashing her car in a hit and run, having children with secret fathers who may or may not be married, being hated by the child cast of her show are just a few that come to mind. And now we have another weird thing to add to that list – eating her own placenta every morning!
The blond beauty recently shared with People that her health regimen including bits of her baby’s afterbirth:
“I have a great doula who makes sure I’m eating well, with vitamins and teas, and with placenta capsulation.”
You read right: Jones is eating her own placenta. “Your placenta gets dehydrated and made into vitamins,” she explains. “It’s something I was very hesitant about, but we’re the only mammals who don’t ingest our own placentas.”
She’s right about that last part, I gotta giver her credit. So here are some other things we should consider taking on as part of our “Become Better Mammals” plan:
1) Eating cat poop (my dog does this and seems to enjoy it immensely)
2) Not wearing clothes (actually I might be able to get on board with this one)
3) Sleeping in caves, trees, or burrows
4) Chasing down our food in a predator vs prey hierarchy (or only eating berries)
5) Eating cat poop (I’m telling you, this one is necessary)