Is “Post-Nut Clarity” A Real Thing?

We’ve all had those moments where we’re in deep watching something on PornHub, and immediately after…er, the credits roll, feeling significantly different about whatever we were watching than we were 2 seconds prior. Or hooking up with someone you would normally not be interested in cause you’re so horny.
Apparently, these feelings of “guilt, crushing self-doubt, and questions that had no easy answers” have a name: “post-nut clarity.” But is there any science behind this? They asked the hard (or should we say, soft) questions over on VICE:
Michael Ingber told Men’s Health there is “actual research on post-nut clarity,” [but] there is no scientific way to define it. The term, however, refers to the “immediate clear mindedness or soberness an individual gains after orgasming (busting a nut),” according to the resource millennials turn to for contemporary definition: Urban Dictionary.
The entry further says that post-nut clarity can also be “achieved via pre-bating” (masturbating before a date/hookup to reduce sexual urges) and also refers to the “phenomenon when an individual loses interest in a person after they have sex with them.”
Women release the same endorphins and hormones during sex and orgasms, urologist Koushik Shaw told Cosmopolitan. But the sad part, she added, is that many women just aren’t climaxing often enough to regularly reap the benefits of post-nut clarity. So, basically, it’s the orgasm gap that’s to blame for women not regularly experiencing post-nut clarity. Wow, one of the many reasons to bridge it.