Is it Racist?
It’s 2012, folks. My iPhone can be used as a remote control, I ate a vegan chocolate chip cookie last night, and I was in a car yesterday that can park itself. Pretty much, things are moving forward. Except Ohio, apparently, the state that is currently locked in a battle regarding a Miss Jamie Hein’s decision to put a sign on the gate to a duplex’s pool with the phrase, “Whites Only” after a tenant’s daughter (who was black) visited the pool.
When civil rights activists complained that the sign was (duh, duh, DUH) racist as hell, she admitted that she put the sign up because the teen’s hair products “made the pool cloudy,” which the Ohio Civil Rights Commission still deemed (DUH DUH OH MY GOD DUH) racist as hell. So now she is backpedaling, saying that the sign is simply a “historical” artifact. Which would make sense if she were running a museum of slavery and not a modern day apartment complex recreation site, and also if she HADN’T ALREADY SAID IT WAS BECAUSE OF SOME BLACK KID’S HAIR PRODUCT.
So, even though I already answered the question for you, I am forced to ask – IS IT RACIST?
January 12, 2012 @ 1:03 pm
Hell yeah it’s racist! And people say that racism is dead… Gimme a freakin break!