Is Ghosting Ever Okay?

If you’ve ever been ghosted by someone you thought was super into you, you’d probably answer that question with a hard NO! However, if you yourself have ever been the one to cut off all contact with someone you’re chatting with – you may say otherwise. Via NY Times – is ghosting ever ok?
“Another small study, which specifically surveyed dating app users, found that 85 percent had been ghosted at some point, which led many respondents to feel sad or angry and experience lower self-esteem; some also felt more distrustful of the world.”
Still, there are times when it is appropriate, even wise, to ghost, the experts said. If the person has been aggressive or made you feel unsafe, you are justified in walking away without explanation, Ms. Earnshaw said. She also gave the green light if a person is simply not respecting your boundaries.
“If they’re just not listening to what you’ve already expressed, then I think it’s OK,” Ms. Earnshaw said, adding that she hesitates to even categorize that situation as ghosting.
Ms. Earnshaw said that a useful question to ask yourself before ghosting someone is: Am I thinking about ghosting this person simply because I want to avoid an unpleasant conversation? If the answer is yes, it is kinder to offer a goodbye and even a brief explanation.
This seems fair – ghost when you feel unsafe or harassed, otherwise, give a dang “bye” emoji, will ya?