In 2024, Date in NATO Mode

I suppose NATO mode might sound like it means to have a written set of agreements about your relationship, and while for some type-A individuals that might be a good idea, we’re definitely in favor of it’s actual meaning: Not Attached To an Outcome dating! Via Indian Express:
For military buffs whose minds immediately go to ‘North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,’ this abbreviation, at least in the context of modern love, stands for ‘Not Attached To an Outcome.’
Some might argue that this is simply an old perfume repackaged in a new bottle. Millennials’ ‘casual strolling’ or ‘living in the moment’ has transformed into Gen Z’s ‘Not Attached to an Outcome.’ However, young singles are no longer fervently pursuing their ‘happily ever afters’ like previous generations.
Today, singles are less concerned about having a rigid checklist for commitment and are more interested in embracing dating as a path of self-discovery.
Man, we’ve been talking about this being The WAY for over a decade – seems like people are just now listening.
Looking for more singles into NATO dating? Head to the new OBC app – just search OBC dating on your iOS or Android app store!