When I was a kid, there was this store called “Spencers” in the mall that I walked around with my friends because that’s what you do when you’re 13. Spencer’s was great because it had hilarious practical joke kits and poop merchandise and fart noise makers and posters of your favorite sexy musicians and movie stars. It even had a section that was blocked off for anyone under 18, and I’m still not sure what was back there. Probably like, bongs or penis pasta or something.
The point is, an iPhone case with giant protruding boobs on the back that serve as both a stand and a way to “give your iPhone a a jiggle and a wiggle” would be a hilarious thing to find at Spencer’s when you were 13 because HA! BOOBS! But if a guy walked into a bar with that pushed against his shoulder while talking on the phone with a silly “look what I got” grin on his face I would take the phone and throw it out a window.
Contemplate your life circumstances before buying this case at LikeCool.