Hump Day Hotties: The McCord Sisters
I think having daughters must be a guy’s worst nightmare. I’m sure it’s difficult for a mother too, but men know how men think, and sending your little girl out into the world knowing the degree of disgusting things thought about them must be horrifying.
And now imagine having THREE daughters. Uh, no thanks. If this happened to me I’d probably dress them in dirty sweatpants and never brush their hair so they wouldn’t get objectified. Although then they’d probably get bullied. GOD, IS THERE NO HAPPY MEDIUM?!
Now that you’re imagining having three daughters, I want you to imagine them all being as gorgeous as ex-90210 star Annalynne McCord and her two sisters:

Okay, now that we’ve got the empathizing out of the way, let’s talk about how hot they are, eh? We’ve always known that Annalynne was super sexy, but now we know there are THREE of her, and it’s like finding out they’re putting an In-N-Out a block away from your house. TOO MUCH GOODNESS, I MIGHT OVERDOSE.
Either way, we rejoice that Annalynne and her sisters aren’t our daughters, because if that were the case it would be gross that we were crowning them our Hump Day Hotties of the Week. Keep it up, ladies!
Image via HollywoodTuna