Hump Day Hottie: Megan Fox
As an adult who lived during a time before tabloids’ headlines were “WHOSE CELLULITE IS THIS?”, I’d like to think I have a pretty level head about how a post-natal woman should look. I’m not jaded by supermodel’s “3 weeks post-baby” bodies, but also know that a woman needn’t look like a bag of pizza dough in spandex for all that long after she gives birth.
On the other hand, it makes it tough not to have high expectations when you see pictures of women like our Hump Day Hottie, Megan Fox:

Uh, cool. THANKS, MEGAN FOX. Signed, Every Woman on Earth.
The star of Judd Apatow’s newest flick This is 40, and mother to 3-and-a-half month old Noah, looks absolutely stunning in the newest issue of GQ, sprawling out in some super sexy lingerie on a couch most men would pay money just to sniff.
Alright, that was gross. Congrats, Miss Fox. You are one hot mama.