Hump Day Hottie: Carmen Electra (And Her Boobs)
We usually share the Hump Day Hottie post in the middle of the day. It’s like a little lunch-time boost to help all of us whose coffee has started to wear off, who are starting to feel sleepy and are considering just crawling under our desks and sleeping the rest of the day away. Seeing some sexy toned flesh in little to no clothing is usually just the jolt in blood pressure we need to finish the day strong.
Today though, we were already feeling sluggish before our butts even hit the office chair, so we figured we’d share a sexy celeb extra early. That way, if anyone out there feels like we do (like a bout of mono multiplied by four Ambien and a glass of warm milk), they might get just a teensy tiny glimmer of Wednesday hope in the form of a beautiful woman and her boobs.
That’s right, this week’s Hump Day Hottie is Carmen Electra AND a bust of her awesome chesticles.

You might be confused by the above photo. I know that I initially was. But with a little research I was able to learn the following:
“The guy who trademarked the word “breastaurant” is hosting a grand opening for the tiny Texas town he renamed “Bikinis” after his chain of sports bars by the same name.
This Saturday, July 13, Bikinis, Texas is offering quite a schedule of events at an outdoor venue called Guller Hall. Beginning at noon and going into the night there will be: a bikini contest, a deejay, dancing, games of washers and horseshoes, raffle prizes, a performance by country singer Jerry Jeff Walker and breast-imprinting in bronzed bikinis by model/singer/actress Carmen Electra.
First of all, YES. I want to go to this town that a dude was able to straight up WRANGLE and rename something like “Bikinis”. Second, “breastaurant.” HAHAHAHA. And third, how much did they pay the former-Baywatch babe to come and host? What is Carmen Electra’s asking price, you think? Like, $25 and a free dinner?
Either way, Carmen Electra is still looking as sexy as ever (see more photos over at Hollywood Tuna), even as a 40+ year old woman, and her bronzed boob bust is pretty spectacular itself. For that, we salute you, Miss Electra. Keep it up!