Hump Day Hottie: Bundle of Brittany
This week, the BCU Crew is taking a week for some delicious, internet-less vacation – but don’t worry, we’re not leaving you hanging – we’re bringing back some of our FAVE Hump Day Hotties all week long so you can spend the week in the sweet embrace of Instagram babes. See you next week!
Here we are – the last day of 2014! We’re gearing up for a night of champagne toasts and slurring promises for the new year, but before we head out we wanted to share with you one last BCU Hump Day Hottie – and boy is she a doozy. Brittany Renner, aka “Bundle of Brittany” on Instagram, is a gym-lovin “fitness figure” who has an ass that won’t quit. Look at it:
Whoooo-weeee. Makes us feel bad about the breakfast burrito we had this morning and the regular burrito we’re planning for lunch and the twelve glasses of champ on the horizon tonight.
Thanks for being a reader this year – and stay tuned for 2015, with more hotties and bodies and dating advice and WtF stories than you can imagine. Happy New Year!
January 2, 2015 @ 4:27 am
Hello how are you