Hump Day Hottie: Aylen Alvarez
It’s HUMP DAY, Y’ALL! As we get closer to the end of the year, we’re getting ready to set resolutions and embark on making 2015 the best, hottest, fittest, booty-callin-est year ever, and checking out selfies by unfairly hot models is the perfect inspiration. This week, your fit-spiration is brought to you by Miss Aylen Alvarez, whose teeny-tiny waist, BOULDER-SIZED boobies and awe-inspiring badonk will make you put down the doughnut, strap on your Nikes, and hit the gym for about 20,000 reps.
Check her out, boys:
If that bed shot doesn’t make you want to hit the weights, I don’t know what will. Dear Aylen Alvarex, thanks for having a body that don’t quit – and inspires us not to either. You’re our Hump Day Hottie of the week – KEEP IT UP!
December 22, 2014 @ 3:01 am
Ur body is like a coke bottle…whop der tis..
December 19, 2014 @ 7:24 pm
more bitches with fake asses and fake boobs
December 18, 2014 @ 3:09 am
Hey beautiful what do yiu say we meet and keep your legs from fighting and keep them apatt
December 17, 2014 @ 10:11 am
I love your ass it great.