How to Turn Women OFF

We’ve shared many tips in the past on how to make sure the women you’re hooking up with leave the experience as satisfied as you – but now it’s time to lay out the behaviors that make women say “no thank you.”
Over on Reddit, someone asked, “what has put you off from having sex with your partner?” And the answers range from the awkward to the sad to the just plain gross.
“He’s getting so lazy with foreplay, and then pouts when I recoil if he tries to put his penis in before I’m ready. It’s so damn unsexy, and makes me feel like an appliance and not a person.”
“Getting so lazy with foreplay, and then pout[ing] when I recoil if he tries to put his penis in before I’m ready. It’s so damn unsexy, and makes me feel like an appliance and not a person.”
“He expected me to get myself off before he was done, or to finish myself solo afterwards because it was ‘awkward/weird’ for him to participate and help me finish.”
“Feeling like there’s intention behind every touch/cuddle. I can never tell when it’s just cuddling or if it’s a move towards sex.”
“Honestly? Bad breath. For some reason he gets bad breath randomly and as soon as he breathes near my nose it’s ugh.”
“Hearing him fart or take a shit dries me up instantly.”
“”He would scream at video games like a child.”