How to Send the Best Sext

We’ve shared our own advice on sexting before, but now, we’re calling in a pro! Over at Vice, OnlyFans star and total knock-out Megan Barton-Hansen is dropping the knowledge on dropping into DMs and turning people on, instead of totally creeping them out. Here are a few of her best tips:
“Choose your opener wisely”
Don’t rush in. Even if you’re super horny and you’ve been thinking about it all day, play it cool. A good opener I find is a reference back to sex you’ve had with that person in the past, or start the convo with something like “tell me the best sex you’ve had”, or “I’m so horny I can’t stop thinking about the sex the other day…” If you haven’t had sex with them yet, maybe send a little thirst trap and a message like “I’ve been thinking about you..” Let them take the lead and see if they’re down to play before you go balls deep.
Sext how you speak
One thing we can all learn from Adam Levine’s sexts is that you should avoid using words you don’t use day to day. If you wouldn’t say “that body of yours is absurd”, maybe don’t put that in a message!
Don’t be lazy
If you are blessed enough to receive a nude, don’t just respond with some emojis. We want a little paragraph at least, please! I want to know what bits are doing it for you, what bits you want me to take off first, what you want to do… I’m an avid emoji user but a love heart eye emoji on its own won’t cut it. Poor, from you.
Set the scene with plenty of detail
The best sexts I’ve ever had have been descriptive. How would you undress someone? Where do you want to bend them over? Set the scene with as much detail as possible, it’s actually really fun. You can create fantasies you’ve always wanted to live out but haven’t had the chance to do yet. This is also a good option if you’re not comfortable with sending pictures, or when you’re horny but you’re also just on the sofa really stoned in a food-stained hoodie. Don’t let that stop you describing what your underwear you’re wearing, how you’re feeling, where you’re touching or where you want to be touched.
Great tips from the always awesome Megan. Now, take these tips and call up someone from your OBC Dating booty call list, and get sexting!